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Results for "main_practice: Play, for_children: y"
Dojo Daytrip Teaches that chaos can serve as a seedbed for doing good.
Look A playful book created to draw out the curious kid in all of us.
Rodeo Red An entertaining children's picture about a little girl adjusting to a baby brother.
Zoobots Fascinating explanations and pictures of 12 robots that look and perform like animals.
Picnic An interactive illustrated story about a patient party of five who endure a series of interruptions before having a pleasant picnic together.
Claude at the Beach More playful and funny adventures of Claude and his good friend.
Don't Sneeze at the Wedding A whimsical children's book about all the advice a flower girl gets for stopping a sneeze at a wedding.
Claude at the Circus More adventures of a heroic little dog who is a master of improvisation.
Stick An appealing children's tale about a puppy looking for a friend to play stick with him.
Claude in the City A delightful children's book about a small plump dog who turns out to have the makings of a hero and a creative fellow in tough situations.